
James Bowers – Taking the Leap Into Media and Communication

We’re all drawn to science and graduate school for a reason. Because we’re good at scientific subjects, because we want to discover new things, because we want to help others by developing technology and growing the knowledge base. It’s our common thread as holders of master’s or doctoral degrees. But not all of us end…

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Liliana Vitorino – Making the Choices That Are Good For You

The thought of transitioning into your professional life can be daunting at times. What is expecting me on the other side? Am I going to be happy? Will it be easy? How much am I going to make? If you add into the mix the question of “do I stay in academia? Am I a…

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Inês Thomas Almeida – A Winding Journey From Biology to Musicology

We’re fresh into a new year, and this time of year is one of re-evaluation, decision-taking, and renewal for a lot of you out there. This week, you’ll hear Inês Thomas Almeida’s recount of 20 years starting in a biology bachelor’s and leading to a PhD project in musicology, with many twists and turns in…

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Papa PhD Pearls of Wisdom – 2019 Season

For the last episode of the 2019 season of Papa PhD, instead of an  interview, we’re bringing you some of the best advice our guests have shared so far, so enjoy the insights, take the opportunity to go listen to the earlier episodes, and remember to rate and leave a comment on your podcast app,…

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Joana Lobo Antunes – Crossing Borders Across Countries and Fields of Study

Life isn’t a straight line. In particular, professional life is not as much of a straight line as it was in the past. As scientists, as researchers, the path we follow is determined by our choices, but also by our collaborations and by opportunities that arise along the way. In this episode, Joana Lobo Antunes…

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Drew Slack – Powering Through Change with Drive and Positivity

What happens when you have all your ducks lined up and the universe throws you a curveball? That’s the moment when you have to regroup, reflect deeply on what you want the new path that is opening up to you to look like and trace a game plan that will allow you to come out…

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Simon Moore – From Academia to Industry

In today’s life, your ability to pivot and to embrace new projects is key. You are actually expected to change employment on a 3 to 5-year cycle in the current job market. These pivots can happen between academic positions, between academia and industry, and between non-academic jobs. This week, we’ll be hearing from Simon Moore,…

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Virginie Levasseur – La passion pour le développement international

Les cheminements que vous suivrez après vos études graduées peuvent prendre des tournants très variés. Il se peut que vous suiviez un parcours purement académique, une carrière en industrie ou que vous vous lanciez en entrepreneuriat. Quel que soit votre choix ou la passion qui vous motive, les habiletés et l’endurance que vous aurez acquises…

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Sathy Rajasekharan – Landing Your Dream Job Through Exploration and Networking

Your dream job is out there somewhere. The one you were made for, the one you deserve. It may be one handshake away, one conversation away, one introduction away. So, make sure you give yourself the chance to attend events, to go to seminars in domains that interest you but are outside of your area…

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Simon Landry – Un trajet en recherche et en communication en français

Pourquoi faire une maîtrise ? Pourquoi faire un doctorat ? Tout ça peut paraître bien compliqué et bien difficile quand on termine notre baccalauréat. Une conversation avec un professeur sur un sujet qui vous intéresse peut changer votre perspective et vous projeter dans une aventure où votre détermination et votre persévérance seront mis à l’épreuve…

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